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Neuste Beiträge validieren

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Also wir haben jetzt auf der Startseite von http://www.2stroke-tuning.com eingebaut dass die 10 neusten Themen angezeigt werden

Die verlinken aber zB auf http://www.2stroke-tuning.com/forum/index....view=getnewpost - da wird aber CommunitySEO haben müsste der Link: http://www.2stroke-tuning.com/forum/Yamaha...html#entry55520 lauten..

Wie kann man denn das abändern?

Die latest_posts.php gibt es auf invisionize - die Datei ist aber bereits abgeändert da normalerweise die Zeit auch dabei steht:

Wie müsste man denn diesen Code abändern wegen den "neuen" Adressen?


// **************************************** //

// Original mod submitted by Miles Johnson. //

// Completely rewritten by Anthony Petito.. //

// V2.6:  15 January 2007.................. //

// V2.51: 13 June 2006..................... //

// V2.5:  03 June 2006..................... //

// V2.1:  10 April 2005.................... //

// V2.0:  04 April 2005.................... //

// **************************************** //

// This mod will pull the latest X posts from your forum and display them on your website.

// This new version will also handle forums that you do not wish to show (excluded forums)

// Put this file where your FORUMS are located (e.g, http://domain.tld/forum).

// This should be in the same path as your conf_global.php file

// I've commented most of the code so that it's fairly understandable, however,

// if you're unsure of what's going on here, stick to the comments on where to edit this file for your site.

// For this to work properly, copy the following code into your website.  Change it to match the link to THIS filename and path.

/* <?php include("http://domain.tld/forum/latest_posts.php");?> */


// User Editable variables //


// Change this to the number of posts you would like to show.

$posts = 10;

// If you would like this mod to cut topics after a certain character length, leave this at 1.  Otherwise, change it to 0.

$showtopiclength = 1;

// Length of title to display before cutting off.  If topic title length exceeds this value, it is followed by ellipses (...)

// Only useful if the above varaible is set to 1.

$topiclength = 40;

// Add forumid's to exclude from.  For example, you might want to exclude your private forums so that posts from it

// do not show up.  Seperate each forumid by a comma and ensure there's no spaces in between.

$forumexclude = "2,3,4,26";



0 = only days

1 = only hours

2 = only minutes

3 = only seconds  *** NOT WORKING ***

4 = hours and minutes

5 = hours and seconds

6 = minutes and seconds

7 = hours, minutes, seconds

Please select which interval to use (besides option 3, which is not working correctly):


$interval = 6;


This will display the time interval between posts

Example: posted 3 minutes ago

Example: posted 2 hours and 3 minutes ago

Example: 1 day, 5 hours ago


//OR display date only

// The following 2 lines can be changed to however you want the date and time to be displayed.

// Default date: dd month year

// Default time: hh:mm ampm TIMEZONE (12 hour time)

// For more information on how the next 2 lines can be changed, please reference the README file.

// If you elect to show the date and time it was posted instead of the way shown above ONLY, change the $showtime variable to 1.

$showtime = 0;

$datedisplay = 'd F Y';

$timedisplay = 'h:i A T';


// Required //


require "conf_global.php";


// Database //


$mysql = mysql_connect( $INFO['sql_host'], $INFO['sql_user'], $INFO['sql_pass'] /*, $INFO['sql_driver'] */ );

if ( !$mysql ) {

	die( "<b>mysql_connect()</b>: ". mysql_error() );


$select_db = mysql_select_db( $INFO['sql_database'], $mysql );

if ( !$select_db ) {

	die( "<b>mysql_select_db()</b>: ". mysql_error() );


// Query the DB with the supplied user inputted variables.

if ($forumexclude <> "") {

	$getposts = mysql_query("SELECT posts, last_poster_name, last_poster_id, title, tid, forum_id, last_post FROM ibf_topics WHERE (forum_id NOT IN ($forumexclude)) ORDER BY last_post DESC LIMIT $posts") OR DIE (mysql_error());


else {

	$getposts = mysql_query("SELECT posts, last_poster_name, last_poster_id, title, tid, forum_id, last_post FROM ibf_topics ORDER BY last_post DESC LIMIT $posts") OR DIE (mysql_error());


// Format and display the results.

while ( $post = mysql_fetch_array($getposts)) {

	$post[full_title] = $post[title];

	if ($showtopiclength == 1 AND strlen($post[full_title]) > $topiclength) {

		$post[short_title] = substr($post[full_title],0,$topiclength);

		$post[short_title] = $post[short_title]."...";


	else {

		$post[short_title] = $post[full_title];


	$posted_on = date($datedisplay, $post[last_post]); // Need to change mySQL timestamp to something more human readable.

	$today_date = date($datedisplay, time()); // Grab today's date so we can compare it against the posted date

	if ($showtime == 0) {

		$showtimediff =  timediff($interval,time(),$post[last_post]);

		$datefield = $showtimediff;


	else {

		// If it was posted today, we want to display "Today, hh:mm AMPM"

		If ($posted_on == $today_date) {

			$datefield = "Today";

			$datefield = $datefield . ", " . date($timedisplay, $post[last_post]);


		// If it was posted yesterday, we want to display "Yesterday, hh:mm AMPM"

		elseif (date('d F Y',strtotime("-1 day")) == $posted_on) {

			$datefield = "Yesterday";

			$datefield = $datefield . ", " . date($timedisplay, $post[last_post]);


		else {

			$datefield = $posted_on;





	// Post Format //


	// Between the EOD markers you can put whatever you want in HTML format.  Just ensure that the link stays somewhat the same.


 <p class="neue_beitrage"><a href="$INFO[board_url]/index.php?showtopic=$post[tid]&view=getnewpost">$post[short_title]</a> - Letzter Beitrag von: <a href="$INFO[board_url]/index.php?showuser=$post[last_poster_id]">$post[last_poster_name]</a></p> 



function timediff($interval, $starttime, $endtime) {

	$timediff = $starttime - $endtime;







	$pluraldays 	= ($days < 2) ? " day " : " days ";

	$pluralhours 	= ($hours < 2) ? " hour " : " hours ";

	$pluralmins 	= ($mins < 2) ? " minute " : " minutes ";

	$pluralsecs 	= ($secs < 2) ? " second " : " seconds ";

	$hourcount	= ($hours == 0) ? 1 : 0;

	$minscount	= ($mins == 0) ? 1 : 0;

	$secscount	= ($secs == 0) ? 1 : 0;



Denn wegen diesem Code ist die Startseite auch nicht w3c Valid.. (alle unterseiten sind valid)

--> Siehe: http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%...ine&group=0

Das wäre auch super wenn das danach valid wäre

Würde mich echt freuen wenn mir jemand helfen kann


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