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robots.txt & Subdomains

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Guten Morgen,

ich habe mal eine Frage zu robots.txt und Subdomain.

Auf einer Subdomain habe ich was laufen. Ich habe mal eine robots.txt - Datei erstellt

und das ganze hochgeladen.

Nun habe ich bei Spider Simulator mal gecheckt was

ein Bot so machen würde.

Komischerweise listet der Spider Simulator mir dann doch die von mir verbotenen

Seiten auf (login.php, create_account.php usw.)





Muss ich bei einer Subdomain den reiner Pfad eingeben, also ich meine damit, /homepage/var/asdadad/shop ? Oder taugt dieser Spider Simulator eh nix, oder ist das doch alles Ok ?
# robots.txt


#place this file in your root directory


#Replace all / with your shop directory name

#Remove the # to activate additional blocks



User-agent: *

Disallow: crawlers.looksmart.com 


#Block All Images

Disallow: *.gif

Disallow: *.jpg

Disallow: /*.gif$

Disallow: /*.jpg$


#To block main page due to size from bots

# Disallow: /index.php


#To shut down site completely from bots use either

# Disallow: /


#If you had search engine friendly URLs on and want to clean them out of the bots

#Disallow: /default.php/cPath/



#Block out directories bots don't need to go to

Disallow: /admin/

Disallow: /catalogues/

Disallow: /download/

Disallow: /images/

Disallow: /includes/

Disallow: /pub/

Disallow: /temp/


#Block out things that are secure or login oriented

Disallow: /address_book_process.php 

Disallow: /account.php 

Disallow: /account_edit.php 

Disallow: /account_edit_process.php 

Disallow: /account_history.php 

Disallow: /account_history_info.php 

Disallow: /address_book.php 

Disallow: /checkout_process.php 

Disallow: /advanced_search.php 

Disallow: /advanced_search_result.php 

Disallow: /checkout_address.php 

Disallow: /checkout_confirmation.php 

Disallow: /checkout_payment.php 

Disallow: /checkout_success.php 

Disallow: /conditions.php 

Disallow: /contact_us.php 

Disallow: /create_account.php 

Disallow: /create_account_process.php 

Disallow: /create_account_success.php 

Disallow: /info_shopping_cart.php 

Disallow: /login.php 

Disallow: /logoff.php 

Disallow: /password_forgotten.php 

Disallow: /popup_image.php 

Disallow: /popup_search_help.php 

Disallow: /privacy.php 

Disallow: /product_notifications.php 

Disallow: /product_reviews.php 

Disallow: /product_reviews_info.php 

Disallow: /product_reviews_write.php 

Disallow: /redirect.php 

Disallow: /reviews.php 

Disallow: /shipping.php 

Disallow: /shopping_cart.php 

Disallow: /tell_a_friend.php 

Disallow: /admin/ 

Disallow: /download/ 

Disallow: /includes/ 

Disallow: /pub/

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