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[IPS] IP.Board 3.1.x and Applications: End of Life Announcement

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IP.Board 3.1.x and Applications: End of Life Announcement

So that we can focus all of our development, support, and service efforts on the newest version 3.3, we are announcing the end of support (sometimes called end of life or EOL) for the following IPS software versions (and earlier versions):

[*]IP.Board 3.1.x

[*]IP.Blog 2.2.x

[*]IP.Gallery 3.2.x

[*]IP.Downloads 2.2.x

[*]IP.Content 2.0.x

[*]IP.Chat 1.1.x

[*]IP.Nexus 1.1.x

IPS will no longer address any new issues or bugs reported in the older software versions.

You are of course free to continue using these older versions if you wish but IPS will no longer provide assistance after the EOL date.

Security Updates

In the event an issue is discovered impacting the security of these older versions of the software, IPS will provide a patch posted in our announcements forum. We will continue to provide security updates for several months after the EOL date based on severity of the issue.

Internet Explorer 7 Support

We announced our plans to start phasing out support for Internet Explorer 7 in December 2010 and have been slowly doing so. As of this date, IPS will no longer support Internet Explorer 7. This includes compatibility modes in newer browsers.

Quelle: http://community.invisionpower.com/topic/357196-ipboard-31x-and-applications-end-of-life-announcement/

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