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IPB 2.0 umsonst und legal ???

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bei gamerenders hatte mir jmd dies hier gezeigt

Written by Matt Mechem

April 13th, 2005

This document outlines the various license changes between IPB 1.3 and IPB 2.0.3

IPB 1.3.0

Invision Power Board 1.3(.0) was released under the very old license which allowed full use indefintely without a purchased license. You can use this version without support indefinitely but there are some well publicised security vulnerabilities which have been fixed in later versions.

IPB 1.3.1

Invision Power Board 1.3.1 was released under the old ‘trial’ license which allowed full use without a purchased license for evaluation purposes. Although no time limit was imposed for the evaluation period, it was accepted that permanent use requires a purchased license.

IPB 2.0.0

Invision Power Board 2.0.0 was released under the same license as IPB 1.3.1.

IPB 2.0.1 to IPB 2.1.0

These versions of Invision Power Board require a purchased license to run. An encoded trial version is available with hard-coded limits.

also wenn bei IPB 2.0.0 steht was released under same licese as IPB 1.3.1 heißt es doch eigentlich das es umsonst ist oder ?

Edited by Drugi

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Wenn Du Dich auf:


PB 1.3.1

Invision Power Board 1.3.1 was released under the old trial license which allowed full use without a purchased license for evaluation purposes. Although no time limit was imposed for the evaluation period, it was accepted that permanent use requires a purchased license.

beziehst haste Recht, nur ich Glaube ab 2.0 wurde es Kostenpflichtig, weiss es aber nicht mehr genau.

Am besten Du fragst mal direkt beim Hersteller an was sache ist.

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Anrufen mit meinem tollen Englisch XD

aber ok ich suche jetzt mal im Forum nach Support.

Haben bestimmt schon 1000 leute vor mir gefragt aber ich machs trotzdem nochma :D

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Naja, englisch ist auch nicht meine stärke.

Hm, wer von anfang an dabei war, weiss das ab Version 2.0 kostenpflichtig geworden ist.

Wo haste denn diesen Text her?

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also bei Gamerenders.com hatte ich diesen thread auch schon erstellt :D

ich hab dem Moderator den Link zur seite geschickt per PM und er mir dann diese zurück

And I quote from the author of IPB and from the website in question.


Written by Matt Mechem

April 13th, 2005

This document outlines the various license changes between IPB 1.3 and IPB 2.0.3

IPB 1.3.0

Invision Power Board 1.3(.0) was released under the very old license which allowed full use indefintely without a purchased license. You can use this version without support indefinitely but there are some well publicised security vulnerabilities which have been fixed in later versions.

also hab hier noch was neues


IPB 1.3.1

Invision Power Board 1.3.1 was released under the old ‘trial’ license which allowed full use without a purchased license for evaluation purposes. Although no time limit was imposed for the evaluation period, it was accepted that permanent use requires a purchased license.

IPB 2.0.0

Invision Power Board 2.0.0 was released under the same license as IPB 1.3.1.

IPB 2.0.1 to IPB 2.1.0

These versions of Invision Power Board require a purchased license to run. An encoded trial version is available with hard-coded limits.

Remember, regardless of IPB version you are not allowed to redistribute part, or all of Invision Power Board.

They are breaking the law by redistributing IPB files.THe only place you can get it legally is from http://invisionpower.com

You can do with the files what you wish, but if you use this software, you might get an e-mail from IPB telling you they are taking you to court.

Best thing is to spend the money and get the real thing from the real site.

ich hab ne Topic im ipb forum und ich darf es benutzen :D

Da ich es auf meiner alten Festplatte hatte und es durchs kopieren auf meine neue nicht strafbar mache glaube ich ^^


Edited by Drugi

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