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IPBSupport News

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Everything posted by IPBSupport News

  1. IP.Board has made use of micro formats and schema data since IP.Board 3.0. We added to this in 3.2 to include breadcrumb data in our navigation. This enabled Google to display our navigation links within search... View the full article Quelle: http://community.invisionpower.com/topic/356698-ipboard-33-dev-update-microformat-and-schema-updates-seo/
  2. IP.Board has made use of micro formats and schema data since IP.Board 3.0. We added to this in 3.2 to include breadcrumb data in our navigation. This enabled Google to display our navigation links within search... Kompletten Blogeintrag lesen
  3. IP.Board was one of the first commercial products to make use of Facebook integration to allow logged in Facebook users instant membership. We extended this in subsequent releases to include the ability to share status updates and links from the board such as topics. During this time, we also added Twitter as an authentication system and the ability to... View the full article Quelle: http://community.invisionpower.com/topic/356638-ipboard-33-dev-update-auto-share-on-posting/
  4. IP.Board was one of the first commercial products to make use of Facebook integration to allow logged in Facebook users instant membership. We extended this in subsequent releases to include the ability to share status updates and links from the board such as topics. During this time, we also added Twitter as an authentication system and the ability to... Kompletten Blogeintrag lesen
  5. Our core goals for IP.Board 3.3 where to clear up the moderator tools, make IP.Board more efficient for larger communities and improve SEO. We've already blogged... View the full article Quelle: http://community.invisionpower.com/topic/356197-ipboard-33-dev-update-a-few-more-seo-tweaks/
  6. Our core goals for IP.Board 3.3 where to clear up the moderator tools, make IP.Board more efficient for larger communities and improve SEO. We've already blogged... Kompletten Blogeintrag lesen
  7. During each release cycle we often take some time out to assess performance and look at ways to improve in this area. We're also in a unique position to have first hand experience at hosting tens of thousands of IP.Board installations via our own hosting network. We also work closely with our clients... View the full article Quelle: http://community.invisionpower.com/topic/356198-ipboard-33-dev-update-performance-enhancements/
  8. During each release cycle we often take some time out to assess performance and look at ways to improve in this area. We're also in a unique position to have first hand experience at hosting tens of thousands of IP.Board installations via our own hosting network. We also work closely with our clients... Kompletten Blogeintrag lesen
  9. While we have discussed many great things you can expect to see coming in IP.Content 2.3 already, we've got a few miscellaneous changes that we wanted to let you know about, but that weren't necessarily grouped into a single "theme". Still, we felt you would be interested to hear about these changes, so I've taken a moment to compile... View the full article Quelle: http://community.invisionpower.com/topic/356199-ipcontent-23-dev-update-odds-and-ends/
  10. While we have discussed many great things you can expect to see coming in IP.Content 2.3 already, we've got a few miscellaneous changes that we wanted to let you know about, but that weren't necessarily grouped into a single "theme". Still, we felt you would be interested to hear about these changes, so I've taken a moment to compile... Kompletten Blogeintrag lesen
  11. Anyone that runs a lively and thriving community knows that now and again you have to make the hard decision to ban a member. IP.Board has a powerful set of tools built in to manage this for you and you can ban a member for a set number of days or permanently with a few clicks via the warning system or the ACP member management system. Currently, there are... View the full article Quelle: http://community.invisionpower.com/topic/356200-ipboard-33-dev-update-banning-and-more-seo-tweaks/
  12. Anyone that runs a lively and thriving community knows that now and again you have to make the hard decision to ban a member. IP.Board has a powerful set of tools built in to manage this for you and you can ban a member for a set number of days or permanently with a few clicks via the warning system or the ACP member management system. Currently, there are... Kompletten Blogeintrag lesen
  13. As part of our goal to improve the usability of IP.Content, particularly for non-coder administrators, we've used the 2.3 release to look at ways of reducing or eliminating the amount of code that needs to be written in order to create great websites. In the current version of IP.Content, blocks require individual templates (entered as part of the... Kompletten Blogeintrag lesen
  14. As part of our goal to improve the usability of IP.Content, particularly for non-coder administrators, we've used the 2.3 release to look at ways of reducing or eliminating the amount of code that needs to be written in order to create great websites. In the current version of IP.Content, blocks require individual templates (entered as part of the... View the full article Quelle: http://community.invisionpower.com/topic/355862-ipcontent-23-dev-update-introducing-block-templates/
  15. As part of our continued effort to strengthen existing functionality in IP.Content 2.3, and bring about a more consistent and reliable experience for novice and advanced users alike, we have implemented support for IP.Nexus blocks in IP.Content 2.3. ... Kompletten Blogeintrag lesen
  16. As part of our continued effort to strengthen existing functionality in IP.Content 2.3, and bring about a more consistent and reliable experience for novice and advanced users alike, we have implemented support for IP.Nexus blocks in IP.Content 2.3. ... View the full article Quelle: http://community.invisionpower.com/topic/355329-ipcontent-23-dev-update-nexus-blocks/
  17. IP.Content 2.3 development is progressing nicely. We are sticking to the four core points we wanted to address with the release of 2.3, namely: usability, consistency, SEO, and strengthening the existing feature set. All of these points tie in together and... View the full article Quelle: http://community.invisionpower.com/topic/355172-ipcontent-23-dev-update-improved-relational-fields/
  18. IP.Content 2.3 development is progressing nicely. We are sticking to the four core points we wanted to address with the release of 2.3, namely: usability, consistency, SEO, and strengthening the existing feature set. All of these points tie in together and... Kompletten Blogeintrag lesen
  19. IP.Board has featured a reputation system since 3.0, allowing users to give positive or negative reputation to posts, as well as content in other apps in the IPS Community Suite (blog entries, gallery images, etc.) as well as content in third party applications. In IP.Board 3.2, we enhanced this by adding a new way of viewing the reputation system, in terms... View the full article Quelle: http://community.invisionpower.com/topic/354637-ipboard-33-dev-update-reputation-enhancements/
  20. IP.Board has featured a reputation system since 3.0, allowing users to give positive or negative reputation to posts, as well as content in other apps in the IPS Community Suite (blog entries, gallery images, etc.) as well as content in third party applications. In IP.Board 3.2, we enhanced this by adding a new way of viewing the reputation system, in terms... Kompletten Blogeintrag lesen
  21. With every release of our products, we like to spend some time identifying areas which can be improved slightly, and small feature suggestions we can use. 3.3 is no exception, and I wanted to write a quick blog entry to highlight just some of the smaller enhancements we've made to 3.3 to make the product more powerful and easy to use. Login... View the full article Quelle: http://community.invisionpower.com/topic/354569-ipboard-33-dev-update-miscellaneous-enhancements/
  22. With every release of our products, we like to spend some time identifying areas which can be improved slightly, and small feature suggestions we can use. 3.3 is no exception, and I wanted to write a quick blog entry to highlight just some of the smaller enhancements we've made to 3.3 to make the product more powerful and easy to use. Login... Kompletten Blogeintrag lesen
  23. We hope that everyone is enjoying reading about the upcoming changes you will see in IP.Content 2.3. As we outlined originally, our focus is on four primary goals: usability, consistency, SEO and strengthening our existing feature set. One common usability... View the full article Quelle: http://community.invisionpower.com/topic/354215-ipcontent-23-dev-update-navigation-bar/
  24. We hope that everyone is enjoying reading about the upcoming changes you will see in IP.Content 2.3. As we outlined originally, our focus is on four primary goals: usability, consistency, SEO and strengthening our existing feature set. One common usability... Kompletten Blogeintrag lesen
  25. Tagging is a powerful feature made available through the IP.Board framework that allows you to collect "tags" for submitted data, either through an ad-hoc system whereby the members provide tags at will, or through a closed system where the available tags are pre-defined. Tag support in IP.Content is, arguably, the number one requested feature,... View the full article Quelle: http://community.invisionpower.com/topic/354216-ipcontent-23-dev-update-tagging/