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IP.Downloads Deutsch [Du] 1.2.2 oder niedriger

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Hier mal die Änderungen bzw noch fehlenden Übersetzungen zur neuen Beta (1-2 Dinge sind auch im alten Paket noch nicht übersetzt):

Zeile 369:

'moderate_nav'				=> "Moderation Panel",
Zeile 445:
'search_no_terms'			=> "You did not supply any criteria to search by or we could not find any results matching the criteria you supplied",
Zeile 510:
A member of our site wished to share a link on our site with you:
Zeile 8-14:
'dl_restrict_sim'			=> 'You may not download any more files until your other downloads are complete',
'dl_estimate_time' => 'Estimated Download Times',
'dl_estimate_56k' => 'Dialup (56Kbps)',
'dl_estimate_dsl' => 'DSL (768Kbps)',
'dl_estimate_t1' => 'T1 (1.5Mbps)',
'dl_estimate_cable' => 'Cable (3Mbps)',
'dl_estimate_fios' => 'Fios (10Mbps)',
Zeile 16-27:
'dl_seconds'				=> ' seconds ',
'dl_minutes' => ' minutes ',
'dl_hours' => ' hours ',
'no_downloads_cats_created' => 'There have been no categories created yet',
'idm_alreadyuploaded' => 'Existing file present.',
'idm_reuploadfile' => 'Upload a new file to replace existing one?',
'idm_upload_progress' => 'Upload Progress...',
'idm_uploaded_st' => 'Uploaded',
'idm_uploaded_of' => 'of',
'idm_uploaded_bytes' => 'bytes',
'idm_uploaded_bps' => 'kb/sec',
'idm_uploaded_est' => 'Estimated seconds remaining: ',
Zeile 29:
'idm_portal_random'			=> 'Random Files',
Zeile 31-43:
'searchin_idmboth'			=> 'Both titles and descriptions',
'searchin_idmtitles' => 'Titles only',
'searchin_idmdesc' => 'Descriptions only',
'idm_email_file' => 'Email link to this file',
'email_email' => 'Email Address',
'email_content' => 'Custom Message',
'email_default' => "Hey, check out this great file I found!",
'email_send' => 'Send Email',
'idm_emails_onlymembers' => 'Only members are allowed to email file links',
'idm_emails_noid' => 'We could not find the file you wished to email a link to',
'idm_emails_noemail' => 'You must enter a valid email address to send to',
'email_link_sub' => '%s wants to share a link with you!',
'thanks_for_emailing' => 'Your email has been sent successfully',
Zeile 45-63:
'mod_button'				=> 'With selected',
'click_for_mod' => 'Click to select all images for bulk moderation',
'modact_unapprove' => 'Unapprove',
'modact_move' => 'Move',
'cannot_find_comment' => 'We could not find the comment to edit',
'ipis_private' => 'Private',
'idm_lang_prompt' => 'Link to Comment: ',
'bulk_mod_title' => 'Click to select this comment for bulk moderation',
'opt_dd_delete_comm' => 'Delete Comments',
'opt_dd_app_comm' => 'Approve Comments',
'opt_dd_unapp_comm' => 'Unapprove Comments',
'idm_leave_comment' => 'Leave a comment',
'add_comments_pt' => "Adding comment for: %s",
'qr_title' => 'Add Your Comment',
'report_comment_page' => 'Report this comment to a moderator',
'report_submit' => 'Send your report',
'report_comment_msg' => "<b>Enter your report</b><br /><br />Please note: The moderator will be made aware of the link to the comment.<br /><br />

This form is to be used ONLY for reporting objectional content, etc and is not to be used as a method of communicating with moderators for other reasons.",
Zeile 65:
'report_comment_page'		=> 'Report a Comment',
Zeile 67-89:
'report_comment_email' 		=> '<#MODNAME#>,

You have been sent this communication from <#SENDERNAME#> via the "Report this comment to a moderator" link.



------------------------------------------------ ',
'link_to_comment' => 'Link to Comment',
'comment_reported' => 'A comment has been reported on a file at',
'report_redirect_comment' => 'The report has been sent successfully',
'comment_mmod_success' => 'The multi-moderation has been successfully applied to the comments',
'file_broken_info' => "Reported by <a href='%s'>%s</a> on %s",
'imported_desc' => 'File imported by an administrator',
'top_downloads' => 'Top Downloads',
'file_mmod_success' => 'The selected action has been taken on the files',
'multimod_moveto' => 'Select category to move the files to',
'multimod_submit' => 'Move!',
'multimod_cat' => 'Select Category',

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